The Push and Pull Factors

The crisis of migrants travelling to Europe has hit the headlines in recent weeks as they desperately seek to find refuge away from a war zone that was once their homeland.
What is it that pushes people to extremes, taking their lives in their hands as they seek safety in another land?

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Poverty of Purpose

We often think of poverty in material terms, our teams recent visit to Romania saw how a lack of purpose can add to the depth of poverty. Working with a Roma community who make a livelihood from whatever rubbish they can sell. The closure of the city dump they rely on was an even bigger impact on their day to day survival.

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Nepal: Urgent Action still Needed

On April 25th, a powerful 7.8 earthquake devastated Nepal. Our in-country partners who were already working in Nepal have been responding ever since the earthquake, bringing immediate relief to those in desperate need. The figures continue to tell of the scale of the disaster with over 8,300 people known to have been killed in the earthquake and following aftermath.

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You can make a difference in Nepal!

Over 4,500 people are now known to have died. As rescue teams sift through the debris and reach remote mountainous areas, the death toll is expected to rise. More than 6,500 people have been injured and dozens of people have been killed in neighbouring China and India. Thousands have lost their homes and their belongings. The real immediate concern is infrastructure, water and electricity for the survivors. Fear is widespread as the aftershocks continue, making it impossible to re-enter homes and buildings.

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We know You Care

Our partners have been working within Kurdistan to respond to the physical and emotional needs of the Christian & Yezidi communities who were forced to flee their homes in the wake of the violence. “For me it was such an encouragement to see how our partners are working hard to meet the ongoing physical needs of the families as well as building relationships with them in the midst of their loss.”

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In Search of a Place to Call Home

Since the beginning of the terror in Syria that began in March 2011, Global Aid Network has been responding by bringing relief to families who have fled their homes in search of relative safety.Through the ongoing work of GAiN and their local partners, we can begin to see the difference that bringing help and hope to families over these long months can make. For those families who have managed to make it across the borders life is by no means straight forward.

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Moved Into Action

Last November I began to hear about a woman called Samara Levy in Brighton who was collecting winter clothes for Iraqi refugees. She’d connected with Agapé’s aid partners GAiN (Global Aid Network) to help with funding and other logistics. When I got in touch with her last week to find out about how it had all happened, I imagined that she’d previously been to Iraq, or that she’d worked in humanitarian aid before. But, apparently not.

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Iraq Update October 2014

Iraq now hosts one of the largest internally displaced populations in the world with the UN figures now at 1.8 million affected people. Before the crisis began in Iraq, they were already hosting 225,000 Syrian refugees in the Kurdish Autonomous region of Iraq and now there another 850,000 Iraqi people who have fled here.

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